Successor Development

 Who will fill your shoes when you move up in your organization? What plans have you made to fill critical positions in your organization? Do your employees know where they are going within the organization? Developing successors is a critical management planning and development tool.

Program Objectives

  • Learn to create a Successor Development plan

  • Understand how to create a talent pool for key or critical positions within your organization

Course Highlights

  • Identify gaps in your staffing plan for promotions, key projects, or to fill critical positions in your organization

  • Benefits and challenges to succession development

  • How to create a development plan

  • How to spot “high potentials”

  • Implementing your successor development plans

  • How to monitor your successor development plans

  • Develop personal action plans for managing your successor development back at work

This module is offered for the following course levels:

Want to book this course for your group?

We’d be happy to sit down with you and build a custom course that fits your organization’s needs and values, using your branding and real-life examples of issues that your employees face. Contact us now.


Strategic Planning


Technical Manager Training