Conflict Management Techniques

There is no avoiding conflict in the workplace. Dealing effectively with conflict is a skill that can be mastered through and understanding of when it is negative, and practicing the skills to deal with it. Turn conflict into creative problem solving.

Course Highlights

  • When is conflict positive and when is it negative?

  • The signs and symptoms of negative conflict

  • Learn when and how to adopt different conflict resolution strategies

  • Learn a toolbox of skills for dealing with conflict

  • Work with a 3-part Conflict Resolution Model to resolve almost any conflict

  • Learn the skills necessary to facilitate the resolution of conflict on the team

  • Develop personal action plans for your conflict management back at work

Program Objectives

  • Learn to identify positive and negative conflict

  • Create strategies for dealing with conflict

  • Practice the skills necessary to uncover and deal with conflict

  • Learn how to reach a mutual understanding and to resolve conflict to the satisfaction of both parties

  • Develop personal action plans for conflict situations back at work

This module is offered for the following course levels:

Want to book this course for your group?

We’d be happy to sit down with you and build a custom course that fits your organization’s needs and values, using your branding and real-life examples of issues that your employees face. Contact us now.


Communication & Active Listening


Creativity & Innovation Workshop